Making positive change in your life
Life Coaching
Have you ever found yourself constantly asking, "Why am I not good enough?" Feeling incredibly bogged down with self-doubt, and left wondering why you don't receive the love from others that you crave.
Mary Gordon struggled with this very issue. She thought that if she gave gifts to the people in her life, she could buy affection and hopefully receive the love she wanted in return. Mary learned the hard way that that's not how personal relationships work — she had to work to accept herself before she could make progress in other areas of her life.
If you, like Mary, are struggling to learn how to feel good enough, you're not alone. It can be painful to admit that you're suffering from insecurities, but there are tools and resources to help you work past these obstacles. Paul Smart Life Coaching was designed to help you reach the objectives that will better your life and help you advance in the areas you feel are lacking.
Watch the video below to see how Life Coaching helped her transform from not enough to an extraordinary life filled with love and success.
Interested in working with me? There are numerous benefits you'll receive and strategies you'll learn from working with a skilled professional. Here are just a few of them:
Someone to help you face fear
Believing that you're not good enough has you living in a constant state of anxiety. But what are you afraid of? A Life Coach will help you to pinpoint the reason why you're feeling insecure.
Most likely, you're afraid of not reaching your full potential. When you put off making progress toward your goals, you start existing in a perpetual state of anxiety. This makes you think that obstacles are bigger than they actually are, and causes you to doubt yourself. A well-trained Life Coach can help you identify the limiting beliefs standing in your way. Why did you start believing you're not good enough? Was it because you failed at a task in the past, or because someone told you you were incapable? Once you can identify the reason why you're afraid to grow, then you can begin to make progress.

Focus on your goals
Think of all the time you've spent telling yourself you're not good enough. What could you have accomplished if you put that time to good use instead? A Life Coach will help you to not only identify your ultimate goals, but to limit your distractions. If you say you want to work on getting in better shape, but insist you don't have time to regularly go to the gym, a Life Coach can help you identify gaps in your schedule where you're mismanaging time. A coach can help you see that if you want something badly enough, and have the hunger to go after it, you can achieve anything. The excuses you've made up for yourself are merely a way to avoid putting in the work.
The minute you stop telling yourself "I am not enough," your life will change for the better. Not everyone has the knowledge to change their story on their own, and that's nothing to be embarrassed about. Working with someone who has the knowledge you need will help you build confidence in your skills, which will ultimately make you feel empowered to go after the success you know you're capable of.