

Picture Boxes

The Picture Boxes element allows to display a list of features arranged in content boxes with images.

Besides the standalone usage, the Picture Boxes element is also the core part of the following elements:

  • Staff
  • Works (Case Studies)
  • News

Picture Boxes with default image

Picture 3
Perfectly Balanced Approach

The perfect balance of coaching, mentoring, professional development and performance improvement.

Picture 6
Focused, Brain-based Intelligence

Rooted in contemporary neuroscience, focused on EQ and behavioural skills over technical expertise.

Picture 5
For High-achieving Professionals

Specialist coaching for high-achieving professionals looking to succeed in building career.

Picture Boxes with round image

Picture 3


Career coaching will support you in achieving your vision of success.

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Picture 2


Personal life coaching provides the clarity and direction you need to create the life you want to live.

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Picture Boxes — Staff

"Staff" element

Pablo Augusto Perazzo


Pablo Augusto Perazzo (brasilero) es el fundador y director de FELICITAS. Consagrado perpetuo en el Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana. Filósofo y magister en educación. Con diplomados en Antropología Cristiana, Logoterapia y en Tutoría y Orientación Familiar por el Instituto IDENTITAS de Madrid. También una especialización en “The Science of Well-Being” por YALE. Me encanta escribir y salir con los amigos. Además de FELICITAS, trabajo en el colegio Nuestra Señora de la Reconciliación.

Vanessa Mendoza

Coach Personal y Mentora Familiar

¡Hola, soy Vanessa! Orientadora familiar, madre de 4 hijos y amante de la naturaleza. Antes de formarme como orientadora familiar ejercía de Maestra de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria. Siempre he querido crecer, aprender, mejorar. Me especialicé en Psicopedagogía y Neuropsicología…
Pero en mi fuero interno yo sabía que lo que realmente me motivaba era ser orientadora familiar. Finalmente me lancé a formarme como asesora educativa y orientadora, sector en el que llevo ya más de 12 años ejerciendo. Mi trabajo como coach familiar es ayudarte a liderar tu propia vida y actualmente tengo como responsabilidad la dirección del Colegio San Rafael Arcángel en Madrid.

Erika Lescano

Secretaria Ejecutiva

ERIKA LESCANO Soy Asistente Administrativa Secretarial con experiencia en entidades públicas y privadas. Casada y madre de 2 hijas jóvenes. Estoy feliz de pertenecer a FELICITAS, y con mi experiencia de mujer, esposa y madre, trato de inspirar, aconsejar y motivar al equipo. Quiero ser feliz con mi familia de la mano con Jesús.

Jorge Sarmiento

Diseño gráfico

Jorge ¡Es el artista de FELICITAS! Soy Hijo de Dios, esposo, papá, publicista, ilustrador y un poquito surfer. Soy amante de la creatividad en todas sus formas, especialmente en la naturaleza y creo en el poder de las ideas para construir un mundo cada vez más humano.

Picture Boxes with filled background

Life Coaching

Personal life coaching provides the clarity and direction you need to create the life you want to live.

Career Coaching

Career coaching will support you in achieving your vision of success.

Icons for the Picture Boxes can be downloaded here: Management pack, Communication and Media pack, and other appropriate packs…

Icons made by Freepik from are licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Picture Boxes with left aligned image

large image, long description with subtitle

Book Cover 1

The Power of a Pivotal Moment

How to Identify, Embrace and Capitalise on the Crucial Career Moments

Successful careers are defined in the few-but-crucial pivotal moments. This book will teach you how to take full advantage as you build the career you deserve.

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Book Cover 2

The Coach's Casebook

Mastering The Twelve Traits That Trap Us

In The Coach's Casebook you share the experience of a skilled coach meeting twelve clients, each struggling with one of the traits which every coach will face again and again in their coaching work.

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Book Cover 3

Scrum Mastery

From Good To Great Servant-Leadership

Scrum Mastery is for practicing ScrumMasters who want to develop themselves into a great servant-leader capable of taking their teams beyond simple process compliance.

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Book Cover 4

How to Create Empowering Beliefs

Change your life story

Negative beliefs can be changed; all it takes is digging a little deeper. And in doing so, you can change the course of your life for the better. Here are the steps to do so…

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Picture Boxes with left aligned image

medium image

Gain clarity in your purpose

Get clear and focused on the goals and objectives that will radically change your life next year.

Become a more effective leader

Gain new tools and confidence to breakthrough limitations, and skills to inspire and empower others.

Ignite passion in your relationships

Master of your emotions. Tap into courage, strength, passion and confidence in the face of challenges.

line chart
Achieve your health goals

Renew your energy, improve your psychology and reach your goals with a coach that pushes you.

Recent Posts

Recent Posts with round image